Hello boggy friends :) I've decided to write shorter more frequent posts. These long weekly ones are going to drive me crazy. Here we go...
Today was our first day back and the kiddos were so excited to have our little family back together. All the iPads came back in one piece(kudos to my kiddos and parents for taking such good care of them). Their little minds were ready for something new so we jumped right in to Schoology. Let me say that I LOVE SCHOOLOGY, and so do my kiddos. I had to force them to go to lunch and recess because they just wanted to stay and post in Schoology some more.
It took us awhile to get the app downloaded and everyone logged in because it's a new log in combo, but I showed a couple people how, and before long everybody was logged in.
All logged in and ready to go
Pipgeek in action

My right hand girl "Miss. H" showed our new friend (first day with her iPad) how to download apps. She also got her all set up and logged into Schoology. What would I do without my Pipgeeks???
Earlier this week I set up a group for us in Schoology and added all my kiddos. Then I posted a fun question on the main page for them to answer, and a reader's response question on our discussion board.The question was "Who do you like better, Jack or Annie? Tell why! (We have a slight obsession going with the Magic Tree House books)
They jumped right in to posting, and simply fell in love with it. I have never, never seen them this excited about ANY kind of writing!
Here is a screen shot of some of their comments... remember this was their FIRST experience with this program. None of them had ever seen it before!

Their writing here has such voice and expression. I was impressed! It's just a few words each, their spelling and punctuation are't perfect, but I can tell you this... it sounds just like them. They were less than happy when it was time to go to lunch, but luckily our awesome teacher librarian, (former blog name "Mr T") Mr. Chop chop (don't even ask) joined our group, and posted a new question for them, to answer later in the day!
Click here to learn more about Schoology: https://www.schoology.com/page/15668739
For right now we will mostly be using this for reader's response, and math writing, but that is only the beginning of what we will do with it! Stay tuned to folks, thanks for joining us on our journey!
P.S. Please don't tell the kiddos that they were writing today ;) they think it's just fun, not actual school work, and I want to keep it that!
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