Sunday, October 6, 2013

Marvelous Math Apps

This past week we had a blast at our family math night! One of the things we focused on was math apps. I spent a lot of time researching, asking colleagues for their picks, and checking out what the kids had found on their own. Here is what I came up with...

This one is great for 1st or second graders. It really helps with anchoring to 10.

Fun easy fact practice for all grades with all operations.

The best thing about these apps is that four people can play at a time! These apps have something for every grade, and cover  tons of math skills!

Another fun way to practice facts.

This app helps students learn the strategy of using a number line while problem solving.

Sequencing for all levels

Just the basics for k-1

Fun practice for all elementary grades and all operations

Fact practice with fact families and missing addends

A white board style app for practicing place value. Great for Number Talks!

A rekenrek app for number talks

One of my student's picks, solve the problem... kill the zombie.

One of my student's picks, solve the problem... kill the zombie.

One of my student's picks, solve the problem... win the race.

Some of these apps we use at school during math workshop, and some of them they use only at home, but they're all great apps. Have fun with them... we sure do!


  1. Check out this awesome FREE Math app on Android

    1. Thanks, but it's only available for android :(
